Short stories

Universal Storytelling in Zadie Smith’s “Two Men Arrive in a Village”

In her interview with the New Yorker right after publishing the short story 'Two Men Arrive in A Village,' Zadie Smith discussed, among other things, the inspiration for this story. She mentioned the idea of eliminating specifics in storytelling in a way that allows a story to implicate everybody. In her words, "I started thinking… Continue reading Universal Storytelling in Zadie Smith’s “Two Men Arrive in a Village”


Violence During Slavery: “Twelves Years a Slave” Book by Solomon Northup

Solomon Northup's memoir 'Twelves Years a Slave' has received notable recognition in contemporary media. Among the many themes he explores when narrating accounts of his and other slaves' experiences in the hands of white slave owners, violence is central. While it is apparent that violence was part of slavery in America, most slaveholders tried to… Continue reading Violence During Slavery: “Twelves Years a Slave” Book by Solomon Northup